Birds of Prey

I captured this magnificent pair while riding around the lake this week. Here are some interesting facts about this wonderful bird. Here are some interesting facts about eagles:
Eagles can see up to four times farther than humans, allowing them to spot prey from great distances. With strong talons and beaks, eagles can catch and carry prey that weighs more than they do. There are over 60 species of eagles, with the Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle being among the most recognized. Eagle nests, or eyries, can be incredibly large, often measuring up to 13 feet deep and weighing over a ton! Eagles are often seen as symbols of power and freedom, appearing in various national emblems, including the U.S. national bird. Many eagle species form monogamous pairs and can mate for life, often returning to the same nesting site year after year. These magnificent birds are not only powerful predators but also vital parts of their ecosystems! We cannot guarantee that you see Eagles during your tour, but it is possible. Don’t forget the camera and binoculars.
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